Freelance Graphic Designer In South Africa

A freelance graphic designer in South Africa

That makes your company look excellent!

graphic designer in south africa

Be Different

If you want to stand out from the competition.

You have to be different.


First impressions last.

How often do you think a company is serious about their business.

When you see their website and graphics are of top quality?

Neat Is Hard To Beat

And good looking graphics add that flavor to a sales page.

Graphics can have their own language.

Like emojis. Or dingbats.

It makes it a whole lot easier to understand.

So combining quality graphics and easy to read typography.

Can increase sales.

Be Visible

If you want to catch fish, you need the bait to be visible.

Our graphics are like bait.

The more you feed.

The better your chances of catching bigger fish.

Be Presentable

We are all on social media.

Which ads catch your attention?

Not a lot for sure!

But the ones that do.

What makes those graphics stand out?

Matching Colors

For one, they are clutter free.

They convey an easy to understand message.

And they have colors that match.

What could you add?


The message in the graphics also need to entice people to read more.

New trends. Breaking News. 

These are things most people are curious about.

So give people what they want.

Or try.

Hire A Freelance Graphic Designer In South Africa

If you need good looking graphics.

web designer in south africa

That grabs attention.

Speaks a clear message.

And are clutter free.

Work with a freelance graphic and web designer who actually likes their work.

My Name Is Flippie Dreyer

I’m a freelance web and graphic designer in South Africa.

I’m a certified Google digital marketer.

And I manage several websites that dominate search results.

If you need my help designing brochures, banner ads, price-lists or a lead generating website, consider contacting me.

freelance web and graphic designer

Trusted By

Freelance Graphic Design Price List

Freelance graphic design price list south africa

Like What You See?

Then you can contact me.

It is easy to work with me.

We mostly do all our conversations through WhatsApp and email.

And payment is made via EFT.

I’m with Nedbank.

WA me: